Friday 17 April 2009

Real Life?! Here?! Well I never...

So I have a spare 10 mins before we leave to take me home and since I had a weird dream yesterday I thought I'd be all spooky and check out what it meant. Now, it was a really long dream and LOADS of stuff happened, but the only moment I remembered when I woke up was cutting my own hair o.O. It wasn't even a straightforward, "tra la la cutting my hair, I'm so nutty" moment.

I was looking at myself
My hair was very reminiscent of Hermione in the first HP films(nerd!- but this is only a comparison, I didn't actually think this in my dream), longer then my hair at the moment, REALLY wild and a much deeper red (think Isolde from the epic Tristram and Isolde/Yseult/Iseult/Ysolte) but extremely distressed.
I didn't even use scissors, it was like some weird ribbon curler that had blades in it, and my hair passed between it.
There was so much hair though, no matter how much I tried to do all of it, there was always more then half of it left, so like, half of my head was crazy,wild,distressed and the other bit was smooth, healthy and shiny.
I tried looking up the meaning of it all and well, I wont tell you the juiciness of it here but it was very interesting.

Yeah it's one of those annoying "tel you enough to interest you but then leave you hanging" posts. Mwahahaha

Anyway, being shimmied out the door. BYES!

New Post iminant!

Apart from the fact I don't think thats how you spell "iminant", this post is pretty redundant, seeing as I am going home tomorrow and will have access to ffxi/pc/screenshots. It's late though, and I can't sleep, so I'm hoping typing will tire my brain out enough to settle into some good old fashion restless sleep! Whoo!

So what to expect from my update? Well I've left my sticky note at home but I'm pretty sure there was...

New update - mostly whm
Field of Valor - and amusing Frag anicdote (Again with the typos- correct me I'm too lazy)
DNC's Super Secret Latent Job Ability! (still lol'ing)
DNC 70+, The final frontier - startrek IS on atm >.>



Belated GZ's to---
Kallo for Skadi body - still getting use to it :P
Drow for getting to 44% completion on merits (Though he is always quick to point out they dont include Group 2)
Frag for... uhh.... being frag?

Oh! Again!

I'm silly so I don't know when it happened (prolly weeks ago >.>) but |Welcome back| Souel! GL on smithing :P

In non-ffxi news, Shrew (because I still like to refer to myself as Shrew outside ff) has lost her mind, did some silly things and sanity doesn't look like it's going to make a return any time soon. Which is kinda handy because I am currently on the crazy bit of my psychology course at the moment!

This entry is probably going to be longer then the one I plan on doing at the weekend. Anyways, byeeeeeee ^_^

p.s Typing didn't tire me out and the very scary medium sized creature schnufflings going on RIGHT OUTSIDE THE WINDOW will probably haunt my dreams when I do eventually fall asleep.

Thursday 9 April 2009


Updates are few and far between but I keep forgetting D: Anyway, accomplished a few things:
Got max rank in Campaign! Campaign practically dragged my sorry ass from DNC 55-71, which has its pros and cons. Uncapped dagger being the obvious con, but full cobra set and hitting 71 ~ yay!

Oh and I changed my .dat for my head AGAIN, but this time I think I might keep it. Just a shame Cobra cap gets in the way.

I've also been attempting to make money via farming/fishing so maybe one day I will be rich, mwahahaha.

|Please forgive me|

When you are ready I will surrender, take me and do as you will
Have what you want, your way's always the best way
I have succumb to this passive sensation peacefully falling away
I am a zombie, your wish will command me, laugh as I fall to my knees

Can I control this empty delusion, lost in the fire below
And you come running, your eyes will be open
And when you come back I'll be as you want me, only so eager to please
My little song will keep you beside me, thinking your name as I sing

Now you can't help it if you have been tempted by fruit hanging ripe on the tree
And I feel useless, don't care what the truth is, you will be here come the day
Truth do you hear me, don't try to come near me, so tired I sleep through the lie
If you desire to lay here beside me, come to my sweet melody
