Wednesday 28 January 2009

Fields of Valor, eh?

Another post?! :O Amazing!

So I discovered Fields of Valor the other day, thanks to Okwaho, and now lvling my dnc has become muuuuuuch easier. It's still not great exp but the 1100 bonus you get at the end makes it good ^^. Not to mention the random treasure caskets and chests, though I have yet to open a chest yet D: I'll start putting up pics soon, so posts will prolly be edited.

Tuesday 27 January 2009


Ah what an ironic way to start my FFXI blog by destroying my pc and having to reinstall FFXI >.> So we are at 14% with 8 hours to go, yay! /sigh That's what I get for trying to impress Drow with my amazing PC skills... of which I has none.

Even before I had to reinstall, I hadn't been playing FFXI much, and never will play as much as I did before Lex was born. Which is kinda sad as alot of the people I know/knew were end-game and american so I dont get to see them or do anything with them anymore /sadface. Ah well though, maybe in 8 or so years the servers will still be up and Lex will want to play, lol. I can't compare ffxi with being with Lex though, he wins hands down, as he should ^^.

But still, I get a few hours a week on ffxi now, thanks mostly to Drow looking after Lex for me, and slowly, very very slowly I am lvling my dnc. She's 55 at the moment, crawling aong at about 1k exp everytime I play, so give or take 5 years and I'll be 75! I did manage to get all my AF armour though which I have to say, even though you have to basically buy it, it was much nicer then getting my other AF armours. Shock, after having a SH for 2 years I actually have a job that can wear it soon :O which is the closest it has ever gotten to use.

Ah and I've got a small, off the top of my head to do list while I am here. Apart from trying to do everything of course I will settle for a few things atm, and a few of them aren't even armour/quest/ etc related:

To do list

Get into a social ls or even better if it's with people like Frag, Arnor, Souel, Kallo, Miry. ( I really miss you guys- well not frag, I talk to him alot really ^^)

Have a game plan before I play, so I'm not sat on my ass for 2 hours accomplishing nothing.

Play without past prejudices. I have too little time to worry about people who might have annoyed me, may have a problem with me, or those who just for some reason after 3 years still feel the need to walk around /pointing and /laughing at me. I don't care anymore, if we can help each other get ahead in the game and be civil about it, isn't that reasonable? Hell I might even talk to a few of the people who I used to hate, lol.

ok, maybe I should put some actual things I want to accomplish....

DNC to 75 and merited as much as possible. I've already maxed out my dagger skills, which is a bit of a relief.

FARM YOU LAZY BUM - tired of being a washed up, poor KSNM blm D: Though I suppose the alternative to farming would be to go back to KSNM lol.

Ah so there we are, not much of a to do list but I cant go reeling off a load of things and get nothing done! Anyway, off now to play with Lex and do real life things like cleaning :O

P.S 20% and 7hrs 30 mins to go ^^